Rajasekaran Danasekaran

Founder, Abundance Hug

Who is Rajasekaran?

Rajasekaran is a successful corporate engineer who serving for corporate in the field of tele communication for last 15+ years and he is a practical trainer known for the successful outcome for hundreds of people. He has played a key role in transforming people mindsets towards their abundant life. Rajasekaran has a business model known for one to one meeting with a powerful connect. He has clients across the globe including countries like Malaysia, Singapore, Canada, USA , Australia , Dubai and UK.

Books by Rajasekaran.

Rajasekaran authored couple of Best-Selling Books like VaVi – The values of victory & Voice of the wallet – To the ears of the rich and the minds of the poor. These books have transformed the lives of thousands and helped them in understanding their actual potential. He also designed 3 books Dream List [which every child should start doing and every house must have this to unlock their dreams , Name List [For all Entrepreneurs to track their clients] , Affirmation List [To help everyone to achieve their dreams faster]. He is well known for his Positive Pivot Technique which transformed many lives successfully in the aspects of Wealth, Identity , Success, Health and Relationship . His workshops will be focused on creating an unique Identity for each individual in the society.


Rajasekaran is a simple successful entrepreneur hold a portfolio includes 3 e-commerce websites, a food industry, a YouTuber, an artist and interior designer, coaching, investments, insurance and recently into renewal energy. and his sessions helping many people to achieve their dreams. His main dream is to start a own school mainly focused for raising a generation of happy, confident and brave children who are prepared to face the world alone without fear.

Rajasekaran Danasekaran